
East Sussex, England

I still carry with me the scent of East Sussex air. I noticed it upon arrival. The fresh scent of The English Channel, which residents fondly call “sea”, blended with something special and dear.  It made me feel light in my body and spirit. I visited villages and farms and was taken by the beauty of the land at my feet. I felt welcomed and held.

I connected with this place. 

In conversations with the locals and visitors about the reasons they were in the area, I heard the same words. They connected with this place and stayed or have been coming back whenever they could. They were moved by the breeze from the sea, the breathtaking land and all that it offers, the sound of walking on shingles, bird songs, and the rhythm of life. 

My first visit was intentional, I had been drawn to East Sussex and wanted to start my documentary project there but I didn’t know what to expect. It is possible that I could not have connected with it in the way that I did. How did the connection come to be? I am pondering and my photographs are probing. 

This photographic story is an invitation for the viewer to experience East Sussex in the wintertime. The sequence paves the way and this story does not have an ending.